Thursday, November 22, 2007

During the class at home

We keep working with our teacher even if we can't go to the school (strikes again and again)

Two or three things I know about Mathilde

A video presentation of me.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

3 ways to become famous on the Internet

1. Britney Spears
If you're already famous in the real world but you have some problems of visibility or image in the traditional medias, Internet could be a good solution for you to make buzz or modify your image. By using blogs, fan forums, specialised people websites and some social networks (MySpace is the main for the stars), you can try to diffuse news about you, videos, try to improve your image or create a rumor.

2. Chris Crocker
If you're not yet a star but wants to become one, Internet could be a good way for you to become more than just nobody. Chris Crocker is a terrific exemple of how Internet is redefining famous traditional definition. Here is the famous video of Chris Crocker, who become famous by crying about the Britney Spears's mediatic treatement.

Leave Britney Alone
envoyé par PeteRock

His video uses the famous of Britney Spears to make himself become famous. It's one of the originality of the Internet to give you the possibility to show yourself and say what you want.

3. Bilal, rappeur du 92 and Clement le Nolife : the dangers of being fast famous on the Net.
But Internet can also be very dangerous for your public image. In France, two recents exemples show us how Internet could make of you a star...of ridiculous. The rappeur du 92 is a teenage boy who posted a video on him on YouTube a few monts ago where he raps about one of his classmates. The video becomes very quickly one of the most viewed on YouTube. The comments about the video improve also very quickly. Just take a look on the video, you will maybe understand what is his famous potential.

The video of Clement le Nolife is really fast become a cult video on the Internet. First whas the video showed on TV. The show is already very famous and some teenagers put the video on YouTube and Dailymotion. It's now very rare that some young people doesn't know the video...Everybody knows the words of the journalist and, of course, of Clement, who's incredibly funny on the video. Just take a look on it :

He has now related groups on Facebook, make interviews and is now a famous teenager.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Without Ending Facebook Story

I would like to tell you today the incredible story of Mark Zuckerberg

Google is useful but worried

How I use Google and the Google services?
The most positive but also worried thing about Google and its Google services is the centrality. All Google services are in the same place. When you create an account, you can choose wich services you want to use and how you want to present your google page, feeds and pictures. The main services I use are :
  • Gmail for my emails,
  • Google docs for sharing documents with my friends (we share cours, homeworks, ideas together) or for working online on my thesis or other things,
  • Google Webmasters Tools for having specific webtools,
  • Blogger : my blog and two others are made with blogger which is very simple and useful if you don't want to create a sophisticated blog.
Other services I use are not specific : blog browser, specific Google browser (just as the linux browser here), Picasa (for sharing photos)...

What I like with Google is that all the services you need on the Net is given by the Google Services. But, what I dislike so much is the monopoly of the company in the domain. Can we really trust Google? I've read a lot of articles about the security problems, the fact that all your informations are kept by Google. We don't know what they could made with it (a first example : put specific adds at the top of your email box in fonction of the content of your emails)

prosper youplaboum! seems to be at the first sight a very strange site. On, you can be a lender or a borrower. A very efficient system control your identity and you can then put your profile on the site and tell everyone about your story and why you need a loan. People who trust in you can borrow you some money (oft about 50$). You have three years to pay them back und so use the money efficiently. The site is only available in the United States. You had to have a social security account and to prove your identity.

This typically 2.0 website is a great exemple of what can be very useful but also very frightened for your own security on the web. That people can trust so much some other people to borrow them money is one of the best example of how can Internet be a media who change mentalities. I think it can be a part of the Internet spirit of mind : sharing generosity, helping other people, connecting with different people all around the world. might be a good example of what could happened in the future. The trust in medias and in other people will not come from the face-to-face, to direct contact but will be also possible with virtual identities. Somebody who speak about themself on the Net, with the confidence of an ID verification with the computer system, is capable to establish useful and intimate connexions with somebody else.