Thursday, November 15, 2007

3 ways to become famous on the Internet

1. Britney Spears
If you're already famous in the real world but you have some problems of visibility or image in the traditional medias, Internet could be a good solution for you to make buzz or modify your image. By using blogs, fan forums, specialised people websites and some social networks (MySpace is the main for the stars), you can try to diffuse news about you, videos, try to improve your image or create a rumor.

2. Chris Crocker
If you're not yet a star but wants to become one, Internet could be a good way for you to become more than just nobody. Chris Crocker is a terrific exemple of how Internet is redefining famous traditional definition. Here is the famous video of Chris Crocker, who become famous by crying about the Britney Spears's mediatic treatement.

Leave Britney Alone
envoyé par PeteRock

His video uses the famous of Britney Spears to make himself become famous. It's one of the originality of the Internet to give you the possibility to show yourself and say what you want.

3. Bilal, rappeur du 92 and Clement le Nolife : the dangers of being fast famous on the Net.
But Internet can also be very dangerous for your public image. In France, two recents exemples show us how Internet could make of you a star...of ridiculous. The rappeur du 92 is a teenage boy who posted a video on him on YouTube a few monts ago where he raps about one of his classmates. The video becomes very quickly one of the most viewed on YouTube. The comments about the video improve also very quickly. Just take a look on the video, you will maybe understand what is his famous potential.

The video of Clement le Nolife is really fast become a cult video on the Internet. First whas the video showed on TV. The show is already very famous and some teenagers put the video on YouTube and Dailymotion. It's now very rare that some young people doesn't know the video...Everybody knows the words of the journalist and, of course, of Clement, who's incredibly funny on the video. Just take a look on it :

He has now related groups on Facebook, make interviews and is now a famous teenager.

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